Treatments & Therapy For Problems Of A Sexual Nature
If you suspect that your sexual problems may be physical in nature please ensure that you have consulted your doctor about your condition before you contact us for treatment and only do so with your doctor’s permission, or at least acquiescence. This page will lead you to more information on anorgasmia treatments, premature and delayed ejaculation, erectile dysfunction (impotence), and addiction to pornography. In addiction there are links below to more information about how we deal with confidence and fear issues, and vaginismus.
Almost invariably, the varieties of ‘impotence’, or ‘frigidity’, involve a ‘worrying’ about being impotent or frigid which in turn seems to bring on the condition which in turn cause more worry etc etc. A true double-bind.
- Erectile Dysfunction - ED
- The expression ‘erectile dysfunction’ covers a range of disorders, such as penis curvature (Peyronie’s disease), and (priapism) prolonged painful erection which isn’t associated with sexual desire. In this context, however, we are talking about the man’s inability to maintain or get an erection during sex. Erection problems can occur at any age Erectile dysfunction can...
You Can Stop Erectile Dysfunction More information... - Delayed Ejaculation
- Read success story » ‘Just thought you would be interested to hear how I have been getting on. As I mentioned to you during my consultation….’ Our strategy for the treatment of delayed ejaculation is similar to strategies also used successfully to resolve many other problems. We have noticed that once the fear of not...
You Can Stop Delayed Ejaculation More information... - Vaginismus
- What Is Vaginismus? Vaginismus is a word that describes an involuntary muscle spasm in the muscles surrounding the entrance to the vagina. When this problem occurs it can prevent penetrative sex, the insertion of a tampon and make gynecological examinations extremely difficult and painful. Although vaginismus is a physiological reaction it is widely believed to...
You Can Overcome Vaginismus More information... - Premature Ejaculation
- Read success story» Allan suffered from premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation (PE) is the most common male sexual problem It is said that most men experience premature ejaculation at least once in their lives and it is estimated that 1 in 3 men do so on a regular basis, making it the most common sexual problem...
Overcome Premature Ejaculation More information... - Anorgasmia
- Conquer the fear of anorgasmia now Once again it seems that if the fear, or expectancy of anorgasmia is re-patterned, then the problem is minimised or negated, so NLP and hypnotherapy treatment is utilised in a very direct manner. Sometimes trauma may be a factor, sometimes negative childhood experiences, sometimes lack of emotional closeness. Whatever...
Overcome Anorgasmia More information... - Confidence
- Read success story » ‘Totally excellent! A truly amazing afternoon! I must say that I have such a different ‘take’ on things now…’ Hypnotherapy and NLP for more self confidence. With self confidence we are talking about a range of situations from simple shyness to extreme anxiety. Whether you call it self confidence or self esteem, it...
More Self Confidence Hypnotherapy and NLP More information... - Pornography Addiction
- Addiction to pornography is something we do not hold any particular moral view about. We simply work to he;[ people where this problem is having a negative affect upon their lives and they want to change. Stop the ‘good feelings’ associated with porn This addiction functions in the neurology like many others. The person (usually, but...
Addiction To Pornography More information...