Hypnotherapy can help you
- Chat rooms and forums can be fun
- But it isn’t good if they rule your life.
- If you want help for this addiction
- Because it can really be an addiction
- If you want to get offline and on life
- Then hypnotherapy and NLP can help you.
Is This Really An Addiction?
There is some debate at present about whether spending hour after hour each day surfing the internet or talking to people in chat rooms constitutes an ‘addiction’, or not. What we say is that it doesn’t really matter what you call the behaviour or what label you give it. What it important is that if your online time is interfering with your relationships, or your job, or any aspect of your life, then it is time for you to do something about it. In the words of Richard Bandler, one of the founders and key developers of the field of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), ‘it’s time to get off-line and on-life’, though not until you’ve finished reading this, hopefully…
Am I Addicted To The Internet, or, Am I A Chat Room Addict?
You will find plenty of online questionnaires that will tell you are, or you aren’t, depending upon which boxes you tick. If you are reading this then the chances are that you think you are, or that you might be, or maybe you are looking for help on behalf of a friend or relative. As we have said, the important thing is how the person feels about their behaviour. If you want to change what you are doing, we may well be able to help you
Lost Time, Or More…
Many people find themselves going online with the intention of just ‘looking something up’ or simply to answer their emails. Then, without much further conscious though they find themselves lost in the ‘trance’ of the internet, and suddenly hours have gone by. Some people spend hours in ‘internet porn’ trance (usually, but not always, men), some go online for a ‘brief’ chat with their friends, some go online to find love, some go shopping, etc etc
Going Online To Escape
It is argued by some that people go online to ‘escape from reality’, to forget their problems for a while. Mind you, some people watch TV to get the same effect, or read a book, or telephone a friend.
What Do You Want?
It always comes down to this question. If you feel that you are addicted to chat rooms, or are an internet addict, or even if you don’t, but you just want to change your behaviour and feel better about yourself, then the methods we use from the fields of NLP and hypnotherapy are designed to help you change rapidly, easily, and for good. We don’t care where you problems came from. We do care about how you think and subsequently feel, and the impact this has upon your behaviour. We are direct, and to the point. This isn’t ‘therapy’, this is training for the mind, so contact us now to find out more.