Stop Being Jealous/

Stop Being Jealous

Stop Being Jealous

Hypnotherapy and NLP to Help You Stop Being Jealous

Hypnotherapy can help you

  • Is jealousy ruining your relationship?
  • Is there a way to stop being jealous?
  • Is your imagination out of control?
  • What if there is a way to get control easily.
  • It is possible to stop being jealous.
  • Hypnotherapy and NLP may help you

Read an article from ‘Elle’ magazine »

Stop Being Jealous. ‘The Jealousy Hypnotist. Can hypnosis really help tame the green-eyed monster? Elle’s Claire Sacre finds out…’

Elle Magazine ArticleSee what Elle Magazine
has to say…

Sometimes there seem to be good reasons for jealousy …

…many times there aren’t. When someone is experiencing jealousy for no real reason then their imagination needs training.

Stop Being jealous. Easily learn to control your imagination, rather than have it control you …

For it is the imagination that causes these feelings of jealousy. This can happen when people imagines partner with someone else. Now this does not have to be a thought of physical unfaithfulness. It can just be thought of someone smiling at your partner. It can be this simple. It often is. This can cause a whole host of problems associated with these jealous feelings. It can cause from anxiety and panic. It can result in anger when their partner simply looks at another person.

Then ‘being jealous’ can occur when, say, someone else gets promoted at work and you feel you should have got the job. Some people would call this envy rather than jealousy, but hey, what’s in a word? Or jealousy can rear it’s head when your neighbour buys a new hi-fi that’s better than yours.

These patterns of thinking, imagining, and subsequently feeling that we call jealousy are not only usually useless. They are also debilitating. However, hypnotherapy and NLP can really help you to stop being jealous.

Jealousy Patterns

Jealousy occasionally causes the person to be withdrawn and moody. More often than not they end up in anger or even fury. Afterwards the person feels remorse. They often feel frustration with themselves. They are often irritated with their inability to control their thoughts and feelings. This can result in chronic anxiety. It can even result in full blown depression.

Does your partner live in fear of your outbursts of jealousy?

Often the person on the receiving end of jealousy is utterly surprised. They are bewildered by their partner’s response. Also, many people on the receiving end learn to live in fear of their partner’s outbursts. The ‘jealous’ person will often be repeating patterns of behaviour from previous relationships. That said, sometimes a person can get well into middle-age before the emotion rears its head for the first time.

Jealousy can be disastrous for a relationship

We use the models of NLP and hypnotherapy. We work to literally help to retrain your thinking/ We help you tocontrol and eliminate these unwanted ‘jealousy’ patterns. We help you to stop being jealous

How long is it going to take to treat my jealousy?

By using this combination of hypnotherapy and NLP, the average number of one-hour sessions for the treatment of jealousy is 2 – 3.

Read the article on the successful treatment of jealousy of a journalist from Elle magazine


A client came to me to stop being jealous.

He became very violent  towards other men at the slightest provocation. His present  girlfriend had now given him the same warning as his previous  partners, stop doing this or  it is all over. He had tried  relationship counselling, but nothing had changed.
He came to see me for a single session the day before he was due to  go off for a week’s holiday with his girlfriend. He knew he would not  be able to behave differently, and was very worried.

Two weeks later I received an email from him;


Happy New Year.

Just back from hols. No outbursts at all! Absolutely amazing!

Thank you so much for saving my relationship with my girlfriend…”

Please feel free to make comments and or ask questions.

8 Responses

  1. aimee johnson says:

    Just wondering how much the 1 hour sessions are for hypnotherapy for jealousy

    • steve says:

      Hi Aimee

      It depends where on the world you are, and rates vary within each particular country (as, actually, does the duration of the session). Go to the bottom of this page and email or phone whoever is closes to you. Hope this helps you.

  2. suzy says:

    Hi, I am interested in your session. I live in Redmond Wa. How do I go about getting information ?

    • steve says:

      Hi Suzy
      Although we all use similar principles when working with clients, each of us will have our own individual preferred methods. Therefore in terms of information as to what will be done to help you with regards jealousy it is best to contact one of us individually. There is a full list at the foot of this page. Obviously there is no-one based really close to you. However, many of us work via skype so distance need not be an issue. Thanks for your enquiry and I hope this helps. Steve Tromans: London.

  3. martina says:

    I would like to leave an excellent feedback for Mr Steve Tromans. I have experienced bad case of jealousy. I have never had any reason to believe my partner has done or will do anything. It was all my mind plying tricks and creating stories I then believed. I took it all on my poor partner. It was becoming so bad I could not take it anymore. Can’t believe my partner put up with it all! Whatever Steve done seems to be working. Don’t take me wrong the thought still sometimes comes to my mind but the pit of my belly is not on fire anymore if that makes sense:) It feels like it has been blocked from developing! Really strange. Steve showed me how to minimize and get rid of these thoughts as and when they enter my mind. I feel much better after only 2 hrs with Steve. I must not forget to practise all Steve has told me but believe me… it seems like piece of cake now:) Thank you so much!!

    • steve says:

      Thanks for the feedback. You should not need to do much if any practise, the mind tends to make these things automatic quite quickly in my experience.

  4. Carolina says:

    Hello Steve I need your services I llve in Miami please let me know if you cab help me. Thanks

    • steve says:

      Hi Carolina

      This may well be possible via Skype, nearest timezone to you is the excellent Barbara Stepp. Barbara’s contact info is at the foot of this page.

      Best Wishes

      Steve Tromans

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