Social Phobias And Fears Index/

Overcome Your Fear Of Intimacy

Hypnotherapy And NLP: Fear Of Intimacy

Hypnotherapy can help you

  • What would your life be like,
  • Without your fear of intimacy?
  • Imagine your love life,
  • Free from the fear of being close.
  • The cure for fear of intimacy.
  • Hypnotherapy and NLP works.

The fear of intimacy is something that can be overcome. It tends to arise when people either fear rejection and/or fear being engulfed and controlled by another person. So being afraid of intimacy is really the fear of having our feelings hurt.

These are normal emotions and most of us will have experienced them to a greater or lesser extent in our relationships with others whether they be parents, siblings or partners.

Sometimes we inadvertently blow these feelings out of proportion and when we do we damage our ability both to mature emotionally and to relate in a deeper emotional way with others.  Some will leave a relationship rather than risk these ‘bad’ feelings. For many, this fear creates behaviours that keep others at a distance and the relationship either becomes stale and/or is ended by their partner.

How Are You Going To Help Me To Stop Being Afraid Of Intimacy

By focussing on where you want to be, and how you want to think and feel, you learn to begin to develop increased self reliance. We do not counsel you, we train you.  You learned the fear of intimacy, inadvertently, and we will help you to unlearn it, for good.

We start with questions like ‘what stops you being more intimate in your relationships’ and rapidly move to ‘what will happen when you are able to be more intimate in your relationships?’. Where you have been is where you have been.  What is much more important is where you are going.

So please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about in what ways we can help you to be more intimate, more comfortably.

Please feel free to make comments and or ask questions.

2 Responses

  1. Gill says:

    I think I mayhave a phobia as I am fearful of intimacy. I have been on my own for four years after ending a distrustful relationship with a man who was a commitment phobic and compulsive liar. I was badly hurt and is has taken a long time to heal. However I am now fearful if another relationship. I tend to run for the hills when a man shows any interest in me. Although I long for love I feel safe when I am alone as I am in control. I start to panic if I think someone wants to get closer. I was married for 18 years I have a sin aged 30 and I got divorced in 2001. I now know these feelings are not relational,and I need help . Can you help Meir advise where I can get therapy. I live in Newcastle upon Tyne. Thank you

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