Compulsions Index Page

You may wonder why we have included OCD and nail biting on the same index page. OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder – can, in its various forms be a crippling condition as someone struggles with a problem that they totally understand is irrational yet find themselves driven by an out-of-control imagination to perform rituals to try to ease the bad feelings. Nail biting can be similarly destructive, however, as anyone in this business who has had a client turn up in tears with every finger raw and bleeding will testify. The good news is that all of these conditions are often treatable, even in their most extreme forms.

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Compulsive Lying
It Doesn’t Matter Why You Have Been Lying Compulsive lying is usually fear driven, the person being simply scared to tell the truth. Whether this fear is seemingly to ‘stop someone else feeling bad’, or not, the compulsive liar essentially lies to stop him/herself from feeling bad, or occasionally to make themselves feel good (the...
You Can Stop Lying More information...
Obsessive Thoughts
Read success story » ‘So great strides have been made and I’m having the time of my life, in no small amount to you…’ In a sense, all OCD type thinking is obsessive, by definition.  Moreover, most issues covered by this web site involve the thinking of thoughts that the person doesn’t want to think...
Stop Obsessive Thoughts More information...
Stop Nail Biting
Nail biting is straightforward and usually very easy to treat Hypnotherapy has been proven to be one of the most straightforward and effective ways of getting people to stop simple compulsive behaviour such as Nail and/or Finger Biting. Nail biting is usually a life-long habit but the duration of the problem is irrelevant in terms...
Stop Nail Biting Hypnotherapy NLP More information...
Gambling Addiction
Read success story» ‘Sam had an issue with his gambling…’ We have successfully worked with to many people to help them to stop compulsive gambling. In many ways this can be no more than a bad habit, although the compulsive gambler’s ‘bad habit’ will often have devastating effects upon their life. It will invariably also...
Stop Compulsive Gambling More information...
Shopping Addiction
Shopping addiction help. Why am I addicted to shopping? Two reasons: Either: You feel bad (bored or anxious or angry or depressed or desperate etc) and the idea of shopping takes your mind off the ‘bad’ feeling so you go and shop. Often there is a ‘good feeling’ associated with the idea of shopping, and...
Shopping Addiction Help More information...
Help With OCD
Read success story» ‘Thanks you for all your help in getting me to stop being OCD. After most sessions I noticed improvement and now …’ Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – OCD – is a label give to people who repeat patterns of thinking, therefore feeling therefore behaviour. Help with OCD. There are many ‘versions’ of OCD...
Help With OCD More information...
Compulsive Hair Pulling
Read success story » ‘Can I please cancel my appointment for Monday, not only does it seem you have stopped my hair pulling…’ Trichotillomania (TTM), sometimes abbreviated to ‘trich’, is a disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterised by the pulling out of body hair, usually from the scalp but also quite...
Help For Trichotillomania More information...
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
BDD – Body dysmorphic disorder – is a term used to describe a condition which involves feeling bad about some aspect of the body, the way it looks, smells or sounds. BDD gives rise to, for example, ‘my ears are too big’, my nose is too small’, ‘my skin is too spotty’, ‘I sweat too...
Body Dysmorphic Disorder More information...
Exercise Addiction
Addiction to exercise. Stop exercising too much The addiction to exercise is often based on the fear of being overweight.  Sometimes it is related some kind of eating disorder. The most common are anorexia or bulimia or binge eating disorder .  In extreme cases the person puts their body under immense, sustained stress. This can cause long-term damage....
Addiction To Exercise More information...

'Stop OCD' By Debbie Williams

Excellent CD/MP3 to deal with OCD

More information about 'Stop OCD' »

'Stop Nail Biting' by Duncan McColl

Brilliant CD/MP3 to deal with Nail Biting

ore information about 'Stop Nail Biting' »

‘Stop Lying’ – Guaranteed Self Hypnosis Recording

Debbie Williams, team member and experienced NLP Trainer and hypnotherapist, has created this new recording, available either on CD or MP3 format, to help you to Stop Lying.

More information about 'Stop Lying’ »