Belinda had been doing bulimia for three years. The treatment took two sessions.
I had been struggling with eating disorder for a total of almost 3 years. Making myself sick, waking up with a constant feeling of guilt and hating myself were inseparable parts of my life. I would do anything and everywhere to binge eat and every place was good to make myself sick whether at home, work or public places. Towards the end of my nightmare with bulimia I became very depressed, unbearable and moody. It didn’t take long until I started having suicidal thoughts and tried hurting myself. All of was a result of constant feeling of guilt and punishing myself for eating. I hated myself in the worst possible way. I decided seeking professional help as it got to the stage where I couldn’t deal with myself any longer although I consider myself being a strong and determined person. I have of course undergone counselling but didn’t find the results satisfactory. It was than that I decided looking into hypnotherapy and NLP techniques. I must say that at the beginning I was a bit skeptical about the idea of helping bulimia in an one hour session but I was so desperate for help that was prepared to try anything to end this nightmare. I so wanted to get my life back again and start loving myself for who I am. After the first session I could already see the results, my mind became stronger and I had not thought once about making myself sick. I did still feel guilty for eating and slipped few time and binge ate on few occasions. I decided to take another session after 1 month. I felt much stronger about my self and started enjoying my life more. I don’t feel guilty any more for what I did or what I ate. I became more conscious. What the hypnotherapy did was turning all my energy and determination in the right direction and making me more focused on the goals that I want to achieve for myself in the future. You would be surprised how strong-minded and determined a bulimic person can be, all they need is “getting on the right bus which will take then to their desired destination” I see an amazing improvement in my life and can’t even imagine how I could have been punishing myself for all these years. Thanks for all your help BelindaFor Further Bulimia Testimonials – Page 1 – Page 2 – Page 4 – Page 5 – Page 6 – Page 7