Help Stop Fears, Phobias And Anxieties


  • Brilliant Self Hypnosis Recording To Stop Fears
  • By Master Hypnotherapist Duncan McColl
  • Full Length Hypnotherapy
  • Easy To Order And Easy To Use
  • Useful For Phobias, Fears, Anxieties, Panic Attacks
  • Also Helpful For Fear Of Blushing,
    Sweating Or Dizziness
  • Two Full Length Tracks CD And
    MP3 Available.
  • Help Relieve Fear, Phobia And Anxiety
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Hypnotherapy Can Help You:

Powerful Self Hypnosis By One Of The Geniuses Of Hypnotherapy

Help Stop fears, Phobias And Anxieties is an amazing self hypnosis recording from master hypnotherapist Duncan McColl, designed to help you to end these problems for good.

Always A Top Selling Recording

Because so many issues are based arouand fear, this is always one of the best selling recordings in the range. Panic attacks and anxiety attacks, for example, are continually maintained by the person's fear that they are going to experience an attack. Remove the fear, remove the anticipation, and the problem stops.

Rid Yourself Of That Phobia For Good

It is highly likely, virtually certain in fact, that you will either have a phobia yourself, or know someone who experiences phobic responses in certain circumstances. Because all phobias operate in a similar way in the neurology this recording is always applicable.

Fear Of Blushing, Fear Of Sweating, Fear Of Dizziness

The difference between someone who suffers from excessive blushing, excessive sweating, or dizziness (physiological problems aside). is that the person inevitably fears they will blush (sweat, be dizzy etc). Once again, remove the fear, the anticipation of the problem, and the symptoms reduce or disappear.

A Few Words From Duncan McColl

'Fear is our second-last emotional enemy in life. Doubt is the last. The fact that you are fully aware that a particular feeling of fear is irrational makes it no less powerful and self-limiting. When you subject those fears, phobias and anxieties 'inside you, but outside your conscious understanding and control' to the powerful suggestions provided in this recording, you could awaken to a whole new world of harmony and balance. This recording attracts more letters of heartfelt thanks from around the world than any other.' Duncan McColl

How To Use These Recordings

Help Stop Fears Phobias and Anxieties is comprised of two full length tracks. Both Tracks are Self Hypnosis recordings and can be listened to at times other than your normal bedtime, when you are seated, feet on the floor and hands resting gently in your lap, at a time and in a place when you are least likely to be disturbed. It is recommended that you listen to these recordings at least twice a week in this fashion. They are also designed for you to listen to at bedtime, and it is quite normal for you to go to sleep whilst listening. This is fine, your unconscious mind still gets the messages. It is suggested that you play these recordings every night, whichever one you like for a period of at least 30 days.

Here Is A Short Excerpt From the Introduction to Track One To Give You a Flavour...

'Welcome to a recording designed to once and for all release you from all phobic responses, from all needless and irrational fears and anxieties, from all those nameless, formless, timeless fears that we can somehow conceal in the psyche and which can somehow find expression in all kinds of unwelcome responses. The good news is that, whatever their fancy names, from arachnophobia to xenophobia and back, and there are more than a thousand of them, they're all caused in exactly the same way, and they all respond immediately to the same process of release. In the next ten minutes or so, you'll learn how to sidestep completely the effects of irrational panic or anxiety attacks. You were born with this capability, you will find that it will come automatically into play...'

Our Guarantee

If you do not notice a useful positive change in your thinking and behaviour after playing 'Help Stop fears Phobias And Anxieties' for 30 days we will refund your money in full. So you have everything to gain by ordering your copy now.

These recordings are designed to complement traditional medicine, not replace it. If you have any doubts about your mental or physical health you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Additional information

Recording Type