Hypnotherapy Can Help You:
'Stop Insomnia' is another amazing self hypnosis recording from master hypnotherapist Duncan McColl, designed to help you to end sleepless nights for good.
Effective Immediately
It is highly likely that from the very first playing of this recording you will fall to sleep easily and effortlessly, and insomnia will be a thing of the past for good. It's almost impossible to stay conscious to any of Duncan McColl's recordings if they are played at your bedtime, and 'Stop Insomnia' is especially effective.
Different Kinds Of Insomnia
Some people actually get to sleep very easily and then wake once or several times during the night. Whichever version of insomnia you have been doing, this recording will provide rapid help.
How To Use This Recording
Simply by listening to this recording at bedtime, played at a volume just loud enough to hear without straining (and through speakers rather than headphones), you will inevitably drift into a sound refreshing sleep. Use this recording every night as you go to sleep and your mind will reconnect to your natural inborn ability to sleep easily when you are tired. If you wake during the night then simply play the recording again.
A Few Words From Duncan McColl
'All self-hypnosis programmes are designed to help you to relax creatively and to replace inhibitory behavioural patterns with beneficial ones. 'Stop Insomnia' is specifically designed to restore the natural, healthy sleeping patterns so that you sleep blissfully and awaken fully refreshed and revitalised at your desired awakening time. From the very first occasion on which you play this recording at bedtime, the orderly modifications and adjustments essential to your health and wellbeing could be firmly set in motion.....even while you sleep.' Duncan McColl
Stop Insomnia - Day
- duration 35:18 mins
Stop Insomnia - Night
- duration 35:33 mins
Our Guarantee
Usually our guarantee is that after playing one of Duncan McColl's recordings after 30 days we will refund your money in the unlikely event that no benefits have been noticed. With 'Stop Insomnia' however, it is highly likely that the effect will be immediate, so if you have had no benefit within 7 days we will refund your money. It is that simple. So you have everything to gain by ordering your copy now.
These recordings are designed to complement traditional medicine, not replace it. If you have any doubts about your mental or physical health you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.