Hypnotherapy Can Help You:
'Relief From Stress' is another amazing self hypnosis recording from master hypnotherapist Duncan McColl, designed to help you to reduce stress levels for good.
Highly Recommended
'Relief From Stress' are the recordings that the JustBeWell team tends to recommend to clients that visit us, and we rate them as some of the very finest hypnosis recordings ever made. The originals must have taken months to script as anyone who knows about hypnotherapy will testify.
Good If You Are In A Highly Emotional State
These are also the recordings that we recommend to anyone who is in a highly emotional state before they progress to other, more specific self hypnosis CD's or downloads.
Powerful Hypnosis And Deep Relaxation For More Than Just Relief From Stress
Far more than simply providing relief from stress, the recordings are suitable for anyone, even if they are not feeling stressed out. They provide deep relaxation and a host of beautifully delivered hypnotic suggestions that work to both unwind long term stress and also to help you to deal more easily with more immediate situations.
How To Use These Recordings
'Relief From Stress', like many of Duncan McColl's masterful hypnosis recordings, can be played either at times other than your usual bedtime, whilst you are seated comfortably, or as you fall asleep at night. It is perfectly OK for you to fall asleep as you listen, and it is quite likely that you will do so. You don't have to understand, or follow along to the words consciously, as your unconscious mind gets the messages anyway. Track 2 is specifically designed to listen to while you drift to sleep. Track one is shorter version and is designed to listen to at times other than your normal bedtime.
A Few Words From Duncan McColl
'Some people can apparently cope effortlessly with the unnatural pressures of modern society while other seem to be locked into their problems, even seeming to compound them. What is the secret of joyful living? How can we thrive on challenge, with insecurity and imperfection all around us? This recording could help you to find the yourself.'!! Duncan McColl
Relief From Stress Contains Two Full Length Self Hypnosis Tracks
Stress Relief - Day
- duration 24:50 mins
Stress Relief - Night
- duration 40:52 mins
Our Guarantee
In the unlikely event of you not experiencing useful, noticeable changes by listening to these recordings for a period of 30 days (the benefits usually come much quicker), then we will refund your money. It is that simple. So you have everything to gain by ordering your copy now.
These recordings are designed to complement traditional medicine, not replace it. If you have any doubts about your mental or physical health you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.