Christiane Pape

„Everybody is an astronaut, you all live aboard a beautiful old spaceship called earth“ R. Buckminster Fuller, the very inspiring architect, used to say in one of my favorite quotes.

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Christiane Pape

chris-papeYou are the architect of your own life!

And there is plenty to discover on earth, in the universe and especially in yourself!
You are the reflection of all that you are able to perceive around you!
You are the creator of your own life with the troubles that sometimes come along with it and with all the joy, strength and beauty that you are producing everyday!

You deserve the best life!
Then start and make it the best one for you, NOW!

Take a guide to discover your own ability to create whatever is the most necessary and the most beautiful you want to achieve in a very special moment of time: NOW!

Contact me NOW to get a training, a one-to-one session or to join group sessions on appointment wherever you travel with your spaceship!

Live and via Skype-in French, German and English!

Chris’s qualifications in NLP and Hypnosis include

  1. Trainer for High Performance, Communication Trainer
  2. NLP Trainer, NLP Coach, Society of NLP – Dr. Richard Bandler
  3. Hypnotherapist, DVH
  4. Consulting Hypnotist, NGH
  5. TTT-Traumafree Tapping Technique Trainer and Instructor
  6. Member of Peaceful Heart Network

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Email Christiane Here or use the form below