Common Phobias Index

These aren’t necessarily the most common phobias in the world, they are simply the ones we see most of in clients. They are the fear of flying, also known as aviaphobia, heights, public speaking and spiders (arachnophobia)

Here you will find links that will take you to further information about how we deal with a range of phobias including bird phobia, fear of cats, dog phobia, fear of mice, rats and riding horses. There are obviously a huge number of specific animal and bird phobias and we haven’t got pages on them all. They all work the same way in people’s minds though, so even of you are scared of Tigers, pigeons, badgers, vultures or llamas, it is highly likely that we will be able to help you put these fears behind you for good.

Fear Of Heights
One of the most common fears we get to help people with is the phobia of heights. This can range from extreme nervousness in tall buildings to utter panic at the thought of going up a flight of steps. Sometimes people even need to be seen on the ground floor! This phobia is usually better described as the fear of falling. It's almost universal amongst sufferers of this problem that their real terror is experienced by imagining the physical act of falling, indeed many find themselves actually imagining jumping. These thoughts give them the adrenalin release – the fear.
You Can Stop Your Phobia Of Heights More information...
Fear Of Spiders (Arachnophobia)
All of us have cured many spider phobias. This link will take you to an article by Tina Taylor who cured 5 severe spider phobias in forty-five minutes on GMTV in Oct 2006. We have been successful even with the most extreme phobic's, people who were so scared couldn't say the word spider out loud, and some who were too frightened to even write it down. This is a one session treatment, normally.
You Can Stop Your Fear Of Spiders More information...
Phobia Of Public Speaking
This is easily the one we get to deal with most often. We have given successful treatment for varieties of public speaking fear, anxiety, nerves and full blown phobia, from students too nervous to speak up in seminars, to directors of international companies. No-one is born being frightened of speaking in public, it is a learned behaviour. And the good news is that it does not matter how you became so frightened, the straightforward techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy are very effective at reconditioning the anxiety, or even terror, of public speaking.
Hypnotherapy For Public Speaking Phobia More information...
Flying Phobia
The media is partly to blame for the fact that this is such a widespread and common problem for people. Every plane crash seems to be reported in detail with close up footage of burning wreckage. And then of course there was 9/11 and most people on planet earth with access to a TV will have watched in horror as the planes plunged into the buildings. The fact is, of course, that flying is still one of the safest ways to travel. For someone with aviaphobia (that's its 'proper' name), the knowledge that flying is statistically a safe activity makes no difference to them whatsoever. Some people just can't even consider getting on a plane, the thought terrifies them. Some people do fly but only do so in a state of perpetual dread. It is very possible to help this phobia quickly and easily, all of us on the JustBeWell team have done so many times. Indeed, one of our favourite things is getting postcards from abroad from people who have happily flown following treatments. A word of advice, though. Sometimes it takes more than 1 hour to sort this so don't turn up on the day of your flight!
Flying Phobia Help More information...